Each week I'll talk about 8 things that I find to be awesome. Whether it be geek news, things to be added to my ever-growing wishlist, funny pics or some rad new music...you'll find it weekly here at The Shiny Happy. How will I narrow it down to eight!?
That's a jolly good question.
Let's see how this goes. Here's this week's 8-bits:
- I do not tell people that I'm a runner. You know why? Because I'm not. I'm more of a trotter. But frankly, these Wonder Woman running sleeves would give me superhuman speed. Truth.
- I think this is my favorite pin this week. I am adopting this traveling philosophy. Thankfully the mister is understanding of my wanderlust and encourages my trips. He however...not so much. Not really a wander-ish bone in that man's body due to a disliking of long road trips and plane rides.
- I am seriously living in OCD heaven thanks to Jennifer over at My Purpley Life. I love getting inspiration for my planner from her Filofax posts. The obsession is real, folks.
- Everybody has bad days. But, not everyone has this magical list of steps to get you through a rough day.
- Oh, people. I love me some Robert Downey, Jr. (Tony Stark, anyone?) But couple RDJ and a swoon-worthy singing voice!? As if I didn't already love him enough...
- If you haven't already discovered the International Geek Girl Pen Pals Club, your life is not yet complete. I'm a fan...
- This cartoon about love really hit me in the feels. It's pretty much the condensed story of Amber... (That story is coming soon.)
- Wanna know what song won't leave my stinkin' brain this week!? "I Sold My Bed, But Not My Stereo" by Capital Cities. It's so catchy. You know it makes you want to take a much needed dance break...
Alright! And that concludes our very first 8-bits! What things are bringing the awesome to your life this week? Let me know by sharing your links in the comments. I can always use more awesome.