Recently, Kacie from The Written Word(s) posted a blog on Superheroesque about having a geek girl support group. Just the idea of having one local geeky friend made me happy. But she had 4! I'm so jealous.
As many of you know, I moved to a new city about a year and a half go and have been working through the struggle of making new friends. Thankfully, I have found a few who are pretty awesome....all the while making time for those super rad ones that live over an hour away. But when it comes to geeky friends, I have Jeni. The downside to that, is that Jeni lives in Colorado. *womp, womp*
A great light was shining down on me the day I found the International Geek Girl Pen Pal Club (IGGPPC). I have made a few new friends there who share the same interests, but they also live far away.
Because of this lack, I turned to my blog to express my fangirl-ness, my squees, my wants, etc. Through this blog, I have become connected with even MORE super rad geek girls.
Then....I had an idea. <insert light bulb here>
I can hang out with my friends, if I want. I can host...
And guess what!? You're ALL invited! I have a feeling that this could become a recurring event. I will need time with my like-minded friends.
Tell your friends! The bigger the better!! If you blog about it, come back here and let me know. Tweet it. Pin it. Do what you do.
Hopefully we'll have a good turn out. But, hey....even two would make my night.
We all need a geek girl support group. I know I do.
Will you be there? Let me know!