Thursday, December 5, 2013

hey, santa.

Christmas time is just around the corner.  Do you have your list ready for Santa?  I know I do.  I've included some of my favorite wishes this year.  There's no way we have time to go through the full list, so I'm presenting my short one.  Santa already knows the rest! 

5.  THIS Black Leather Jacket (or something similar)
9.  Mr. T Funko POP Vinyl (and every other Funko POP ever made!)  

Seriously.  I'm in LOVE with Funko POP Vinyls.  I find myself wanting to buy every single one.  I'm hoping someone will pity me and send me a new one since I need to stop ordering them.  Also, everyone should check out LennyMud on Etsy.  Most awesome mugs ever!! 

Have you been nice this year?  What things are you wishing for this Christmas?  Let me know by leaving a comment.



  1. Never heard of Funkos before, but they are pretty cute! I think my brother would like the new Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles one. In the two weeks I stayed at his house over the summer, we watched all three of the movies, which were conveniently located on his computer already!

    1. I love them! I want the TMNT set...and the Goonies set, too!

  2. Man. I've been putting off buying a POP because I know it'll spark an obsession, but they're so cute! And I have been eyeing the Michonne POP for ages!

    A bike is also on my list! But I think I'll just put it on my birthday wish list in the spring!

    1. Smart move. The obsession is already solidified here. I want the Michonne POP, too!
